Citizen Journalism RGSmart

Citizen Journalism RGSmart

Gymnasium Smart Novi Sad was founded in 2009 and is the only computer science private High School in Vojvodina province. The RG Smart consists of two departments (General type of high school and program for talented students in informatics) which conduct teaching in a wide range of specific study subjects: mathematics, chemistry, computer science, programming, physics, biology, geography, psychology, philosophy, history, languages (English and German) etc. In addition, students have extracurricular activities in the areas such as: environmental protection, entrepreneurship, astronomy, programming, acting and drama, choir, chess, sports etc., and have opportunities for visiting European countries. The school make use of modern teaching methodology and contemporary equipment, and students can take exams for international certificates MTA (Microsoft Technology Associate) and ECDL (European Computing Driving Licence). RG Smart is green oriented and environmentally responsible high school, that has put efforts in removing plastic and paper use from its activitie
For the past 7 years our students have been part of regional winning teams in entrepreneurship Business Challenges. Furthermore, through extracurricular activities, our students have accomplished co-operation with local recycling centres and made web site about local environmental activities.
Our students have also participated in Environmental entrepreneurship initiative this year under patronage and sponsorships of Young Researchers of Serbia, Belgrade open school and support of EU. Student competition for eco ideas was organized within that project and our student has won the first prize for most creative and original eco idea. 
The school has participated in local green project, with the aim of planting trees in city park of Novi Sad. The school established cooperation through Erasmus – e Twining student program with school in Sicily aimed for exchanging cultural and environmental experience, during which the visit to school in Sicily, Gangi, was organized in late 2019. Due to Covid-19, the return visit is postponed.
RG Smart is environmentally aware organization and has removed paper from teaching classes. In addition, plastic cups for water have been removed from use in the school. Every year the school organizes projects for raising awareness of global environmental problems and have special contests for resolving ideas of recycling processes. RGSmart aims to develop guidelines for the use of the apps in secondary education.  RGSmart prepares thorough training materials for instructors and students on how to use the apps in order to optimize its advantages. These educational resources will instruct teachers and students on how to use the capabilities of the tool to gain a deeper comprehension of the environment and climate change.The goal is to include these tools and the related learning resources into secondary education.
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