Environment monitoring App

Environment monitoring App

Environmental monitoring app enables ordinary people to actively engage in environmental monitoring of their surroundings. Through the app – available on iOS and Android – registered users will be able to send geolocated reports relating to environmental problems and risks within their communities. Each report, in addition to providing a detailed description of the problem encountered, can be enriched with multimedia content such as photos and videos to provide a more complete understanding.

The reports, once sent to the GreenVERSE platform, will be immediately accessible to the entire community of users by accessing the Citizen Journalism section, thus promoting interaction and collaboration. The main objective, in fact, is to create a community of people interested in the environmental problems of a territory and to promote environmental awareness on a large scale.

Users will also be able to update the status of reports to reflect changes over time, thus becoming an active part in the monitoring process. The real strength of our prototype lies in building a community of people passionate about environmental monitoring. By enhancing collective consciousness and encouraging collaborative processes and activism, we aim to inspire positive change and tackle environmental challenges more effectively.

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