Month: July 2023

Climate Change, Soil Erosion, and the Green Deal Agenda: Paving the Path to a Sustainable Future amidst a Looming Environmental Crisis

Climate Change, Soil Erosion, and the Green Deal Agenda: Paving the Path to a Sustainable Future amidst a Looming Environmental Crisis Tin Lukić (UNSPMF team) – 26th of July 2023 Climate change and soil erosion are two pressing environmental issues that are intricately linked and pose significant challenges to our planet’s health. As climate change […]

CleanAir@School – engaging with students to improve air quality

CleanAir@School – engaging with students to improve air quality 4sfera Innova – 17th July 2023 Cleanair@school is one of the activities proposed within the GreenSCENT project. This activity is focused on improving the air quality around schools, providing schools with both the necessary tools to measure air quality and the didactic material to analyse problems […]

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