Innovative Sustainable Solutions Presented at GreenSCENT Consortium Meeting in Barcelona

 Innovative Sustainable Solutions Presented at GreenSCENT Consortium Meeting in Barcelona

Chiara Gunella (UAB) – 20th of April 2023


Diana is presenting


GreenSCENT is a collaborative project that aims to co-create various demonstrators, tools, and initiatives to engage, educate, and encourage action towards protecting our planet.

Recently, the consortium held a meeting in Barcelona, where several of these innovative demonstrators were presented. These initiatives are designed to promote sustainability, raise awareness about environmental issues, and empower individuals to take action towards a more sustainable future. Here are some examples of the demonstrators showcased during the meeting:

  • The Tube Sensor: A device that measures air quality that is designed for schools to use. The device provides an easy-to-understand measure of air quality and encourages sustainable behaviour.
  • The GreenVerse platform: An immersive documentary platform that offers an interactive way to learn about environmental issues. You can create your immersive environmental story!
  • Citizen journalism app: An app that empowers individuals to report environmental issues and share their experiences with others. It provides a platform for people to voice their concerns and contribute to a more sustainable future.
  • The Youth Design Assembly: An initiative that empowers young people to become leaders in sustainable design, fostering creative problem-solving and innovative solutions for environmental challenges.
  • The Air quality app: A tool that enables users to understand and visualize air quality in different cities, helping to promote environmental awareness!
  • The Sustainable Food Challenge. The aim of the challenge is to generate innovative ideas that can enhance the sustainability of the food industry by facilitating direct connections between local producers and consumers. It’s open to students and graduates!

The GreenSCENT project is focused on promoting sustainable practices and empowering individuals to address sustainability challenges. One of the valuable tools developed by the project is the Competency Framework, which equips people with the necessary skills and knowledge to tackle sustainability challenges.

Additionally, the project is working in the ECCEL licence, which is similar to a driving license but for environmental skills.

Stay tuned for more updates on the GreenSCENT project and its efforts to promote sustainable practices and empower individuals to take action towards a sustainable future.

Innovative Sustainable Solutions Presented at GreenSCENT Consortium Meeting in Barcelona
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