Green Schools For All: Fostering Accessibility and Sustainability in Education

Green Schools For All: Fostering Accessibility and Sustainability in Education 29th of May 2024 – Chiara Gunella (TransMedia Catalonia)   Last week was full of inspiration at the Autonomous University of Barcelona as we hosted a group of primary school students for the “Green Schools For All” initiative. This partnership with Fundación Autónoma y Solidaria, […]

GreenSCENT at the inaugural conference on citizen science in Nairobi, Kenya.

GreenSCENT at the inaugural conference on citizen science in Nairobi, Kenya. Andrea Falegnami (UNINETTUNO) – 20th of March 2024   It was with great enthusiasm and a profound sense of responsibility that I embarked on the opportunity to represent the GreenSCENT Project as an ambassador at the inaugural conference on citizen science in Africa, which […]

Let’s change our habits together!

Let’s change our habits together! Ida Skov Nielsen and Sif Juhl Jacobsen (Danish Board of Technology) – 19th of December 2023 Transforming our habits can be quite a challenge. Yet it’s a crucial step towards a greener future. Despite the widespread understanding of climate science, we are many who struggle to get down to action […]

How does circular economy look in Serbia?

How does circular economy look in Serbia? Levi – Youth assembly participant from Denmark   The GreenSCENT Youth Assembly Four met in Novi Sad in the beginning of October 2023. The meeting spanned an entire weekend, and I stayed longer to enjoy the culture. Throughout the weekend, we then got the opportunity to learn more […]

Bringing the real world into the classroom – The 4th YA workshop

Bringing the real world into the classroom  The 4th YA workshop DBT team – 27th of June 2023   In the beginning of May our Youth Assemblies convened for the fourth workshop to continue the journey towards a greener future. This time, the focus was Clean Air and how to integrate real-life data and knowledge […]

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