GreenSCENT project

Environmental awareness and accessibility in video games: Plasticity

Environmental awareness and accessibility in video games Plasticity  María Eugenia Larreina Morales and Chiara Gunella, (UAB team)    Green and polluted worlds side by side in Plasticity. Photograph: Plasticity Games. Plasticity is a single player puzzle-platformer video game developed by thirty students in the USC Games Program at the University of Southern California (USC) and […]

The GreenSCENT Youth Assemblies are on!

The GreenSCENT Youth Assemblies are on!  DBT team – 12th of October 2022 On Sunday and Tuesday, the first workshops were kicked off, marking the beginning of an exciting and important journey for the participants. 45 engaged young people from seven European countries got together in four separate online workshops to discuss matters pertaining to […]

GreenSCENT at the European Researcher’s Night!

GreenSCENT at the European Researcher’s Night! (UAB and UNINETTUNO, 28th of September 2022)   Members of the Transmedia research group at UAB and members of UNINETTUNO will lead two workshops as part of the European Researcher’s Night in Barcelona and Rome on the 30th of September. The European Night of Research is a European-wide public […]

Cleaner air for a better life

Cleaner air for a better life The Barcelona Supercomputing Center team – 26th of  July 2022 The quality of the air we breathe is important for our health. Cars, homes, factories, farms and natural sources can all release pollutants into the air and worsen the air quality. Most of the world’s population lives in places […]

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